Self Cleaning Disc Filtration |
The Most Efficient
Self-Cleaning Filtration
We Offers
A Reliable Disc Filtration System
for filtering industrial process and wastewater. It is one of the most
efficient filtration systems available. As turbid water travels through
the disc filter, debris is captured on the exterior wall and interior
grooves of a stack of compressed discs. The backwash cycle expands
the disc stack automatically and a series of nozzles spray a mixture of
high pressure water and air against the loosened discs, spinning them
clean quickly and efficiently. At the end of the backwash cycle, the disc
stack automatically compresses and returns to the filtration cycle.
Excellent Filtrate Quality
The discs provide precise filtration grades, removing only particles
larger than the disc rating while allowing smaller particles to pass.
Unlike filter beds which may have breakthrough or channeling effects due to ineffective backwashing, these discs exhibit no channeling or breakthrough effects, and filtrate quality is maintained. The discs also maintain filtrate quality during plant upsets and loading spikes. Each disc stack has thousands of grooves and each groove has 12 to 30 stopping points, providing true depth-filtration.
Reduce Wastewater Disposal Costs
This extremely efficient backwash technique typically uses less
than 5% of the filtrate for backwashing, with some applications
demonstrating that less than 1% is easily obtainable.
In comparison, media beds use 10 to 15% of the filtrate volume
for backwash. The backwash source can be the filtered effluent,
compressed air and effluent, or an external source.
Operation Features
Low backwash volume
Continuous supply of filtrate during backwash
Elements do not need replacing
A simple element change for filtration grade adjustments
Modular units fit any space and can expand or retract easily
20 to 400 micron filtration size
Small footprint
How It Works
During filtration, the compressed disc stack retains particles while clean filtrate
passes. Once the element is loaded with particles, the backwash cycle initiates
automatically. First, the reversal of the water flow decompresses the disc stack allowing
the discs to move freely.
Then, a series of nozzles spray a mixture of high pressure water and air on
the disc grooves, causing them to spin rapidly.
The combination of the spray and spinning action cleans the discs very quickly.
Disc filtration systems are ideal for:
Nozzle and instrument protection
Cooling water
Pretreatment before fine filtration, ion exchange or desalinization
High salinity water
Wastewater recovery
Sand separation
Resin traps
Material Options for Corrosive Applications
Systems are available with epoxy-coated carbon steel, stainless steel
or plastic manifolds, steel or plastic valves, and plastic filters. These
materials make the filters extremely durable in corrosive applications
such as sea water, acids, caustics and aggressive liquids.
For Applications Requiring Media Filtration
Occasionally, media filters or sand beds are required for specific applications.
Our media AGF filters have a number of advantages over traditional sand beds:
Lower backwash volume than traditional beds
Round shape allows more thorough mixing during backwash
An extra pump is not needed for backwash
Shallow beds allow for very effective backwash
All units operate simultaneouslyno standby vessels
required |