The electric power generation industry has become increasingly competitive, both in the U.S. and internationally. This competitive pressure means you need a company who can help you find the optimum match between the project requirements and plant design. Energetech & Associates can provide your business with the proper information to help you find the competitive edge while minimizing risk in developing and analyzing your current power plant projects.
The Company has the resources to perform preliminary design and analysis of fossil power plants including simple cycle, cogeneration, and combined cycle combustion turbine-based power plants. We combine the latest cost and performance data with engineering expertise to quickly analyze alternative plant configurations and accurately generate system performance, conceptual level designs and financial analysis results. All of this is done at a fraction of what a premier engineering organization would charge you in developmental fees.
Significant opportunities for reducing generating costs, increasing net income, and reducing risks are left untapped in many projects. Energetech & Associates is your key to uncovering these hidden opportunities through re-evaluation of a wide variety of equipment choices and design criteria over the range of expected economic, market, and financial conditions.
Our plant conceptual designs can be used to evaluate project feasibility and strategies, to support financial decisions or technology selections, to aid in strategic planning, or as the starting point for bid specifications and final design.
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